Friday, March 14, 2008

Transporation Daily News March 14

AC Transit has put off a 25 cent fare increase for the moment but likely will approve one soon. Rapidly rising fuel and health care costs are forcing the district's hand, directors and staff members told riders at a meeting Wednesday. Directors spoke most favorably on the last of three options AC Transit will hear in May. CC Times 3/14/08


A House committee chairman issued a subpoena Thursday to force the Environmental Protection Agency to turn over 196 internal documents about its decision to deny California permission to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, who leads the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, announced the subpoena after negotiating unsuccessfully to get the EPA to voluntarily turn over unredacted versions of the documents on the waiver decision. CC Times 3/14/08


Faced with a projected $8 billion budget deficit, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is touring California with the urgent message that the Legislature -- which will go on vacation next week -- needs to negotiate a budget immediately rather than wait to fix the looming crisis. He says he also wants lawmakers to begin considering sweeping fiscal changes -- including spending curbs and budget reform -- to stabilize the state's future and reassure Wall Street that the Golden State is serious about the issue. CC Times 3/14/08


Drivers who cross the Golden Gate Bridge should get ready for tolls to go up - and down, depending on traffic congestion. A key bridge district committee unanimously approved plans Thursday to allow variable tolling at the span, and the agency's Board of Directors is expected to give its approval Friday. SF Chronicle 3/14/08


Facing a projected budget deficit, BART officials approved two moneymaking plans Thursday: an increase in parking fines for people who illegally park at stations and a lucrative advertising contract that could mean an increase in ads plastered on stations and in trains. At the same meeting, the nine BART directors voted unanimously to give themselves a raise, boosting their monthly stipend to $1,300 - an increase of $300. The last increase was in 1999, when the monthly pay doubled from $500. SF Chronicle 3/14/08






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